C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor - Genel Bakış

C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nerelerde Kullanılıyor - Genel Bakış

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To guarantee thread safety during enumeration, you sevimli either lock the collection during the entire enumeration or catch the exceptions resulting from changes made by other threads.

I agree. IList is too tightly coupled with being both a ReadOnly collection and a Modifiable collection. IList should have inherited from an IReadOnlyList.

Marc GravellMarc Gravell 1.0m271271 gold badges2.6k2.6k silver badges2.9k2.9k bronze badges 3 1 I would second here on using the readonly keyword for the variable as well. Without this, anyone might fall into an impression that since the collection is of type ReadOnlyCollection so I'm completely safe from any possibility of changes being done to my collection when it is not the case.

Equals metodunda, Point3D derslikının X, Y ve Z bileğerlerinin başka bekçi ile aynı olup olmadığı denetçi edilir. GetHashCode metodunda ise nesnenin hash kodu oluşturularak strüktürel eşitlik mukabillaştırmalarında kullanılır.

Creating an extension method is sufficiently different in C# that it's worth taking the time to do the translation. A C# extension method is a static method declared in a static class, and its first parameter must be declared using the "this" keyword. So the C# version of this method looks like this: public static class PhvExtensionMethods

Average(IEnumerable, Func) Computes the average of a sequence of Double values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.

Modülerlik: Mukayyetm projelerinde modüler bir yaklaşım sunarak şifre geneını azaltır ve hizmetı kolaylaştırır.

Average(IEnumerable, Func) Computes the average of a sequence of Int64 values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence.

Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı members are derece guaranteed to be thread safe.

Figure 1 below displays the members of List. Note that you have a method named Add, so you dirilik easily add authors to the list of authors we’ve created in the preceding code C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Kullanımı snippet.

Implementers are encouraged to extend this base class instead C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nedir of creating their own. Members of this base class are protected and are intended to be used through a derived class only.

Important Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nasıl Kullanılır or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

For maximum flexibility, my class doesn't specify the veri type of the List in which it keeps its actual data. Instead, I declare my UnderlyingList variable to use any class that implements the IList interface. I've also made this a generic class: Rather than specify what kind of List I'm working with, I've forced my class to be instantiated with a veri type that the code refers to kakım T. Wherever in my code I need to specify my List's data type, I just use the T reference. Finally, I've chosen to have this class implement the generic version of IEnumerable, which requires two versions of the GetEnumerator method -- but the code is identical in both versions of the method. Listing 1. The basics of the PhvReadOnlyList class.

If however your C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Nasıl Kullanılır intent is to prevent the calling code from observing updates from other threads you'll have to fall back to solutions already mentioned, to perform a deep or shallow copy depending on your need.

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